The original "10 Essentials" list began appearing in mountaineering literature in the 1950's and 60's but contemporary environmental factors have prompted the addition of sunscreen and a water filter. Our list also now includes a GPS receiver as an option to consider. In recent years GPS units have emerged as worthwhile navigatinal tools that complement (though do not replace) a map and compass.
We have also added a whistle, believing it is a crucial security item to keep handy when exploring unpredictable terrain. If you get in trouble (say you slide into a crevasse or ravine) and need to audibly signal someone. A whistle will last far longer than your vocal chords. Our last item, a food storage device, (such as a bear canister) is now required in some western parks and wilderness areas and is very helpful in any area where animals are known to seek out human food.
Tip- Make a print out of this list and stash it with your gear. Use it as a checklist before you head out on any excursion on wild lands.
A topographical map should accompany you on any trip
that involves anything more than an impossible-to-miss footpath or well populated nature trail. Handout maps, the simplistic kind you pick up at visitor centers or entrance stations. do not show the kind of topographical details necessary for route finding. If you stray of the trail or need to locate a water source such one-dimensional maps are just about useless. In such situations a topographical map is essential. You also need to understand how to interpret the information it presents.
It's easy to get disoriented in the back country. A compas combined with map reading skills can help you stay on course. Will GPS receivers make map and compasses obsolete? Not likely. Standard GPS units cannot indicate which direction is north. and while some high-end GPS receivers now include electronic compasses, the traditional compass weighs next to nothing and does not rely on batteries. If you travel regularly in the wilderness, you should seriously consider taking a class to learn navigation techniques in detail.
Conditions can abruptly turn wet, windy or frigid in the back country. It's important to carry an additional layer (or two) of clothing in your pack. If you're lost, extra clothing may get you through the night. A wool or fleece cap weighs little and is a fine heat retainer on cold nights. Extra socks are a true blessing if your original pair becomes soaked. Depending on conditions, aconsider a fleece jacket or pile sweater, a waterproof shell or even a compressable parka. Cotton items, whick become useless when wet, make poor backup items. Another idea- pack an ultra light space blanket for emergencies.your personal preference.
Always pack at least one extra day's worth of food. It can be as simple as freeze dried, but it's even smarter to include no cook items: extra energy bars, nuts, dried fruit and jerky.
The process of digesting food keeps your body helps keep your body warm, so on a cold night it's smart to munch some food before bunking down but never leave animal attracting leftovers in your tent.
Pre-assembled first-aid kits take the guesswork out of building a kit on your own, although most people "personalize" such kits to suit individual needs. Any kit shout include moleskin (for blisters), adhesive bandages of various sizes, several gauze pads. adhesive tape, adhesive tape, dininfecting oiontment, over-the-counter pain medication, pen and paper, and latex gloves alse deserve consideratin.
A good light source is invaluable in the back country. Picture yourself trying to hustle off a mountain in dwindling light, or trying to set camp as the last bit of blue drains from the sky. It's smart ot carry replacement bulbs and bateries, even a backup or flashlight. Headlamps allow you to keep yoru hands free during any activity and are usually a backpackers first choice for a light source. Keep your light in an easily accessible section of your pack, check it once in a while to see if it has become inadvertently switched on.
Matches headed into the back country should be the waterproof variety, or they should be stoed in a waterproof container. Take plenty and make an extra effort to keep them dry. Convenience store matchbooks are often too flimsy and poorly constructed to be trusted for wilderness use. Save yourself from frustration and tote reliable matches on back country journeys.
As the name implies, fire starter is an element that helps you jump-start a fire. The ideal fire starter ignites quickly and sustains heat for more than a few seconds. Possible candidates: dry timber locked away in a plastic bag, candles. and priming fast "heat" nuggets are convenient and reliable fire-starting products. Even lint trappings found in clothes dryers can work.
Knives or multi-tools are handy for gear repair or food preparation, first aid, and making kindling or other emergency needs. A basic knife should have at least one fold out blade (more likely two) or two flathead screwdrivers, a can opener, and (though some people will call this a luxury) a pair of foldout scissors/ The more complex your needs (if, for example, you are leading an inexperienced group), the more options you may want in your knife or tool. Read what information you might find for selecting knives and tools.
Indispensable. Some medical studies suggest that sunlight and ultraviolet (UV) rays may play a role in cataract development. Yet protection is so simpe. Put on a pair of protective glasses when spending large amounts of time outdoors, particularly aboe tree line, to reduce your exposure to UV light. Your goals : select glasses that absorb 97-100 IVA amd IVB radiation. Wrap around lenses keep light from entering the corners of your eyes and are a great choice for the back country. Glacier glasses are a must for mountaineers who run the risk of snow blindness on days of bright glare.
The Mayo Clinic recommends applying sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher 15 minutes before you go out in the sun. The clinic also advises the use of sunscreen-fortified lip balm. If you swim or sweat a lot, use water resistant sunscreen and re-apply every 2 to 3 hours. Don't leave the trailhead without it. Pick up some pointers in our guide to sunscreen.
Rushing streams and alpine lakes appear to contain the cleanest, freshest water on earth. Yet sometimes they harbor microscopic pathogens that, if you digest, could leave you feeling nauseous for weeks. You have these defensive strategies: bioling, chemical treatment, or straining the water through a mechanical filter or purifier. Filters and purifiers do the job with minimal fuss.
The sound of a whistle travels further than your voice. Plus, blowing a whistle in an emergency won't exhaust your vocal chords. It's smart to attache alanyard to your whistle, then tie it to a D-ring or some other portion of a shoulder strap on your pack. Thus, if you fall (and perhaps pin one of your arms) you won't have to dig far to get it up to your mouth.
Black bears in some regions of western United States, particularly in the Sierra Nevada range in California, search out human food with remarkable vigor and persistence. In some areas, use of a bear resistant food container is mandatory. Even in areas where such containers are not required, wildlife managers often recommend their use.
You need to bring one other item - knowledge - in order to benefit from the gear on this list. Just having a compass in your pack or a map will be of no value to you unless you understand how to use them. As one veteran - and rescue leader put it, "People talk about the 10 Essentials, but the most important essential is between your ears."
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